Thursday, March 24, 2011

A much needed break!!

I did it! I finally decided I need to take a break from competing. I really love it and I would love to do more but I have to admit it's too hard right now. I do a lot and busy is my most productive mode but I must admit I met my match. I stepped on stage in KY in February and I felt great. I did more than I have ever done, worked the hardest I have every worked and I was ready. However,I took fifth, now don't feel sorry for me I know being fifth in a competition where one phenomenal body is compared to another is not cause for tears but I wanted to do better. I wanted to really show up and represent. (holler!!) But looking back I also designed several t-shirts took 300 of them as inventory spent the day setting up, selling and talking to everyone. I was exhausted and given I have two children,a busy family and a husband who needs me (which is also a good thing) it's a wonder I was even able to do what I did!

So the self -flogging has stopped and I have settled into a somewhat "normal" life. I can't go backwards and now the trick will be ~ staying committed to the lifestyle when I won't be stepping on stage in my tiny swim suit any time soon. It's a great thing having the fear of everyone seeing you half naked to keep you honest.. but now? So the real contest begins- the one where I can let every thing be for nothing and travel over to the dark chocolate  side or stay on the fruit, nuts and berry side of good health and sharp deltoids... I must decide ~but like you I too will be given a choice that I will have to make everyday- "Is everything I did to get here going to stay?" I wish I could tell you it gets easier but honestly I think it may just be harder now. I know what to do and how to do it but will I? I hope so.. I plan to have three ways to keep myself honest-

1- Sticking to a normal food plan allowing myself one day of being less careful

2- Managing calories and activity to make sure numbers work for my budget

3- working on enjoying my life a little more participating in  the fun things I want to do and not making food the fun.

It seems simple but I think these three can be the hardest. I also plan to pull out old photos and make sure I remember how I  used to look compared to now. I almost can't believe it and I feel so much better now.

I will keep you posted. I hope you can also stick to the plan...

Train Hard .. Finish Strong!!